
Lectures and courses

Over the last 30 years, staff members of Züst Engineering AG have developed and delivered various courses and lectures. Currently, the following lectures are available:


Lectures at ETH Zurich:

  • «Umweltmanagement» (Environmental management), as elective, every Wednesday during the autumn term 17.00 – 19.00
  • «Ecodesign» - Environmental product design, for mechanical engineers , every Monday 8.00-10.00 spring term
  • Tool-course «Systems Engineering», for mechanical engineers, as a block during the first week of the spring and autumn term


Karlsruhe University KIT / International Department:

  • «Sustainable Product Design», 2.5 days as a block
  • «Systems Engineering for Sustainable Development», 2.5 days as a block

Rainer Züst has already won two «Education Awards».


Further courses

Further courses and lectures are currently offered by universities, Swissmem and further education providers:

  • Swissmem in Zurich: Beginners course for environmental officers – part “Ecodesign”
  • PHW in Bern: CAS in Eco Economics – part «ecological products »
  • HSR, basics environmental engineering – part «eco efficiency / Ecodesign»
  • ABB Technikerschule, Energie und Umwelt HF – part «sustainable product design»and «sustainability management»
  • WERZ, Module «product design according to ecological criteria», as well as CAS Recycling and waste management, module «Prozesses and Software: Transport logistics»